
Misquoting Jesus by Bart D. Ehrman
Misquoting Jesus by Bart D. Ehrman

Misquoting Jesus by Bart D. Ehrman

The book describes an early Christian environment in which the books that would later compose the New Testament were copied by hand, mostly by Christian amateurs. He summarizes the history of textual criticism, from the works of Desiderius Erasmus to the present. Summary Įhrman recounts his personal experiences with the study of the Bible and textual criticism. The book made it to The New York Times Best Seller List. Ehrman discusses a number of textual variants that resulted from intentional or accidental manuscript changes during the scriptorium era. Published in 2005 by HarperCollins, the book introduces lay readers to the field of textual criticism of the Bible. Ehrman, a New Testament scholar at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why (published as Whose Word Is It? in the United Kingdom) is a book by Bart D. The Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot: A New Look at Betrayer and Betrayed (2006) A Jesus who was *demonstrably* mistaken about a central element of his preaching could not be a prophet of God, let alone the Savior of the world.Truth and Fiction in The Da Vinci Code: A Historian Reveals What We Really Know about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Constantine (2004) And many people - possibly most? - believe that if Jesus really did preach this message, not only was he obviously wrong but also Christianity cannot possibly be true. Conservative Christians - laypeople and scholars alike - have insisted that this is a complete misportrayal of Jesus. Historical scholars for over a century have maintained that Jesus predicted that the end of history as we know it was to come in his own generation.

Misquoting Jesus by Bart D. Ehrman