Upon entering the cavern, Elijah and Jakita find a trophy room containing unusual objects such as "The Hull of Charnel Ship" and "The Murder Colonels". Brass then mysteriously disappeared in 1945. He dealt with things that no one outside of his group knew about.

By his thirties he was a genuine renaissance man of his time. He was born on January 1, 1900, who shares the same birth date with several other unusual individuals. While on the way to the Adirondacks, Jakita explains to Elijah about Doc Brass. Snow's first mission is to investigate an artificial cavern hidden in the Adirondacks, where (according to documents recovered from the KGB) it was to be the last known destination of Docter Axel Brass, an adventurer and extraordinary man. Joining Jakita Wagner, the lovely and leather-clad, super-strong team leader, and The Drummer, a technophile who can tell machines what to do, Snow learns that Planetary's goals - funded by a mysterious fourth man - are to uncover the secret history of the past century, wherever that quest may take them. Elijah Snow, a man as old as the 20th century, is recruited from a meaningless existence to be the third man of the organization known as Planetary.